perma AU


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Trouble-free machine and plant operation is the utmost priority for maintenance staff and operators. 

Maintenance and lubrication pose numerous challenges.

Installing and operating perma lubrication systems ensures dependable, precise lubrication of chain drives and allows equipment to be operated reliably.


In oil lubrication, it is extremely important to apply just the right amount of lubricant, because lubrication starvation can be just as bad as over-lubrication.

Over-lubrication of chains can lead to safety hazards. Lubrication starvation can lead to severe wear.

Access for equipment lubrication or cleaning is time-consuming and not always possible or desired.

Direct contact with environmental influences (dirt, humidity, media)
Direct contact with environmental influences (dirt, humidity, media)
It is important to apply the lubricant at the right place.
It is important to apply the lubricant at the right place.
Hard-to-reach and dangerous lubrication points
Hard-to-reach and dangerous lubrication points

Lubrication points

In oil lubrication, it is extremely important to apply just the right amount of lubricant, because lubrication starvation can be just as bad as over-lubrication.

The following aspects must be considered:

Over-lubrication of chains can lead to safety hazards

  • Slipping hazard for persons in the direct vicinity of the lubrication point
  • Contamination of the environment

Lubrication starvation can lead to severe wear

  • Increased wear of chain pins and rollers
  • Unpleasant noise development
  • Uneven chain movement (jerking)
  • Possible equipment failure

Access for equipment lubrication or cleaning is time-consuming and not always possible or desired

  • Additional labour input and increased costs
  • Equipment shut-down required


Mount a perma lubrication system at the lubrication point. Depending on the conditions prevailing at the lubrication point, the perma lubrication system can either be mounted directly or remotely.

  • Up to 6 lubrication points can be supplied with an individual amount of oil independently of each other
  • Large tank volume allows long maintenance intervals and helps to reduce maintenance costs
  • For hard-to-reach lubrication points: Remote mounting with up to 10 m of grease lines per lubrication point possible

Any more questions?

Simply contact us by phone or email for an individual consultation on chains.

Advantages of automatic lubrication

Protection against corrosion

Minimised maintenance costs

Reduce risks

Reduce environmental impact